[ RFA, Washington, September 25, 2002 ] Ms
Xinna, wife of Inner Mongolian political prisoner Mr. Hada,
reports that her 17-year old son Uiles is being brutally
treated in prison in Inner Mongolia. The following is a report
by Radio Free Asia correspondent An Pei.
Inner Mongolian dissident Hada was arrested in
1995 for organizing the 'Southern Mongolian Democratic
Alliance'. He was sentenced to 15 years jail in 1996 for the
crime of 'separating the country and engaging in espionage'.
In 2002, Mr. Hada's son Uiles was accused of 'being involved
in robbery' and later sentenced to 2 years jail. Mr. Hada's
wife Xinna said, recently, she has been brutally treated by
prison guards when she has visited the Inner Mongolian
Autonomous Region No.1 Juvenile Jail to see her son because
during her visit, she once spoke with her son in Mongolian. (
voice )
She also revealed that during her last visit to
the prison she observed thather son had been physically
tortured: (voice ) '...my son told me that his hands and feet
were in a 20-kilogram handcuff-and-shackle for more than 40
hours because he resisted the prison guards' and inmates'
brutal treatment. I saw many black-and-blue spots on his hands
and feet'.
Xinna further reported that after her husband
Hada's arrest, the 'Mongolian Study Bookstore' and the
'Mongolian Study Reading Club', both owned by her, had been
shut down. Later on, her son Uiles was expelled from school
shortly after resisting police brutality. She also indicated
that as a child her son had been seriously traumatized due to
this series of incidents. ( voice )
According to a report from the New York based
human rights organization, Southern Mongolian Human Rights
Information Center, after Mr. Hada's arrest, Xinna was also
detained for 3 months for giving a Voice of America telephone
interview. In 1997, when the 50 years anniversary celebration
of the establishment of Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region took
place in Huhhot City, Ms. Xinna and her son Uiles were sent to
Inner Mongolia's
Ulaanhot City, and were detained there for 2 days. In 1999, a
policewoman was sent to her house to monitor their daily life
on a 24 hour basisduring the Chinese Communist leader Jiang Ze
Min's visit to Inner Mongolia.
In his appeal, Mr. Enhebatu, the president of
the Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center, has
condemned the authority's inhumane treatment of Ms. Xinna and
her son. ( voice )
According to the report by the Southern
Mongolian Human Rights Information Center, Uiles has been
imprisoned together with 13 other juvenile offenders in a 8
square meter prison cell and forced to do 13 hours hard labor
every day. Recently, Uiles has repeatedly been told by prison
authorities to break off all relations with his mother.