Uradyn Bulag |
February 24, 2006 |
York |
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Since the early 20th century,
Chinggis Khan has become an object of desire and repulsion to
many nations and individuals in the world. He has been
identified by the Japanese as the 13th-century tragic hero
Minamoto Yoshitsune, and recognized by the Chinese as 'the
only Chinese who has ever defeated the Europeans'. His virtue
and vice are equally captivating, as exemplified by the
designations 'Chinggis Khan's Mongolia', or 'Genghis Bush', a
nick-name for American president George W. Bush acquired in
2003 as a result of his decision to invade Iraq.
In this presentation, I explore
the transnational transfiguration of Chinggis Khan through the
mimetic appropriation or disavowal of Chinggis Khan by Japan,
China, Russia, and Mongolia in the long 20th century. I argue
that Chinggis Khan has now become the fantasy structure, the
scenario, through which each of the nations involved here
perceives or defines itself as a meaningful entity. His value
as a national and racial signifier derives not only from local
or national setting and dynamics, but more importantly from a
wider racial, ideological and historical context. |