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Attention is called to
Inner Mongolia’s “Environmental Emigration” |
May 4, 2002 |
Since March this year, blotting out the sky and the land,
northern China’s sandstorm not only has swallowed the whole
region of northern China, but also reached Taiwan, Japan and
even the west coast of America across the ocean. Northern
China’s desertification problem is receiving attention from
people around the world. In order to solve the problem, the
Chinese government has adopted a series of environmental
measures including a policy of evicting ethnic Mongolian
herders from their lands. They have been resettled to other
areas in an effort to relieve the burden on the grasslands and
thereby restore the fragile ecosystem. However, the so-called
“Environmental Emigration” policy has caught the attention of
human rights organizations who argue that the “Environmental
Emigration” will not really solve the problem but will destroy
the already weakened Mongolian traditions. This is a report
covered by Radio Free Asia correspondent Shi-Shan.
When the Chinese trace back to the sources of the sandstorm in
the Mongolian Plateau, they are surprised that the local
ethnic Mongolian herders have seriously been victimized by
sandstorms for long time. An exile in the United States,
Enhebatu, president of Southern Mongolian Human Rights
Information Center, said to Radio Free Asia: “Accelerating
environmental destruction has deeply affected ethnic Mongolian
herders’ lives, especially the successive years of severe
drought has led up to the herders’ total bankruptcy. ”
Enhebatu also provided the station with a telephone record
revealing the current tragic situation:
This is a telephone conversation between Enhebatu and an
ethnic Mongolian herder in Shiliin Gol League’s Sunid Right
Wing Banner recorded last year. Over the phone, the herdsman
could not speak for a while for his sobbing before he said
that most of his livestock had died during the drought and the
rest are too thin to be sold. He told Enhebatu that, now, the
herders in grassland have no way to make livings.
Located in the eastern part of Inner Mongolian Plateau,
Shiliin Gol League, has 200,000 square kilometers territory
which was known as the most well-preserved natural grassland
in the world. However, now, the ecosystem in this area is
getting worse. According to “The Northern Economy” published
in China, in Shiliin Gol League, the deteriorated grassland
area counts for 64% of the whole usable grassland, the soil
eroded grassland area counts for 65% and the grassland area
already turned to desert counts for 22% of the whole region.
2,969 square kilometers territory of Guun Shand area in
Shiliin Gol League has become a mobile desert and is expanding
with the speed of 60 square kilometers per year. Because of
the accelerating speed of the desertification, especially the
expanding speed of the seriously affected areas, most of the
grasslands have become barren areas.
Current situation of Shiliin Gol grassland is just a miniature
example of ecological destruction occurring all over the
region. According to Xinhua News, usable grassland in Inner
Mongolia is only 50 million hectares which is an 18% decrease
compared to 10 years ago; The desert areas have tripled to 8.3
million hectares and are increasing 86,000 hectares every
year. Ulaanchav Grassland, Horchin Grassland and Ordos
Grassland which are three of the five largest grasslands in
Inner Mongolia have almost completely disappeared and turned
to sand.
Facing up to the tragic situation, the Inner Mongolian
authorities have launched the “Environmental Emigration”
policy. Currently, Shiliin Gol League is one of the main
targets of this policy. An official from Shiliin Gol League
Planning Commission admitted the fact that the comprehensive
“Environmental Emigration” plan will start to be carried out
from April of this year. But the official refused to reveal
The so-called “Environmental Emigration” is aimed at the
eviction of the herders from the desert lands. According to
the government’s explanation, the policy could bring recovery
to the land, as well as help herders to overcome their sense
of hopelessness.
However, the plan has caught the close attention of ethnic
Mongolian human rights organizations overseas. Enhebatu,
president of the Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information
Center said this policy has not only deprived the ethnic
Mongolian people’s right to own their native land, but has
also destroyed their traditional culture and life-style.
Enhebatu revealed that the Southern Mongolian Human Rights
Information Center has already submitted a communication to
the United Nations in order to draw the international
community’s attention to the “Environmental Emigration”
policy. He is suspicious about the Chinese government’s claim
of “volunteer environmental Emigration”.
According to the Chinese official news media, 160,000 herders
have already been “environmentally migrated” over the past two
years and in the up-coming decade, 600,000 ethnic Mongolian
herders will be forced to leave their native land under the
“Environmental emigration” policy. An official from Inner
Mongolian Autonomous Region Planning Commission also refused
to talk about the “Environmental Emigration” issues when we
interviewed him over the phone. Another official from the
Economical Research Department of Inner Mongolian Social
Academic Institution also refused to express his opinion on
this issue because he said the “Environmental emigration”
problem is an extremely sensitive issue.
“Environmental emigration might be one measure to solve the
problem but the government must accept most of the
responsibility” said an exile in Germany, Mr. Xi Hai Ming (Temchiltu),
leader of the Mongolian students’ movement in Inner Mongolia
in the early 80’s and the President of the Inner Mongolian
People’s Party.
Cao Chang-Qing, an author in New York City, said all of the
policies by the Chinese authorities including economical
policies are suspect before the Inner Mongolians get their
real autonomy.
According to a Xinhua News report, over the past century,
Inner Mongolian grassland has shrunk 200 kilometers to the
north and 100 kilometers to the west. The main reason for the
desertification of the grasslands is the large-scale
over-cultivation since the 1950’s. Mr. Xi Hai Ming (Temchiltu)
told the station that they had protested the policy of
converting grasslands to farmland for the use of Han Chinese
emigrants into Inner Mongolia. He said this is the only
effective measure to control the environmental destruction in
Inner Mongolia.
“ In the foot of Moni Mountain, vaulting over Chilee Plains,
the sky is so blue and so high, the land is so vast and so
green, the fair wind shows you sheep and cows from the bottom
of a grassy sea.”
This is a poem written a thousand years ago, describing the
Inner Mongolian grasslands. However, today, the grasslands
have disappeared, the livestock is dying and the herders are
forced to move from their native lands to alien lands. Total
destruction of northern China’s ecosystem has not only claimed
Mongolian herders as victims. The expanding desert close to
Hua Bei Plains is also affecting the whole nation of China.
The roaring sandstorm is just the beginning of nature’s
(Report by Radio Free Asia correspondent Shi-Shan, English
translation by Enhebatu Togochog) |
During these meetings, we tried to engage in a dialogue with
both the Chinese and Taiwanese groups, agreeing or disagreeing
to various issues. The Tibetan delegation was also delighted
to have met one Tibetan from Beijing who was attending the
Johannesburg Summit as a representative of the "Chinese
Society for Human Rights'. The People's Republic of China
first presented this organization as an "NGO" during
the World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna in 1993.
A wide range of Chinese organizations, sponsored by the Chinese
Government is attending WSSD Johannesburg. Mr. Gabriel Lafitte,
a member of the Tibetan Delegation has been following their
activities in the past few days. In this update, we publish
his observations on these Chinese groups.
The Chinese groups here at WSSD Johannesburg are based in
wealthy urban centres, but have a nostalgic concern for wilderness
and the importance of conserving nature, which often leads
them to work in remote areas, including the headwaters of
the Ma Chu (Yellow River) and Dri Chu (Yangtze River). One
example is Wang Li. She is a senior partner of one of China's
biggest law firms, with a Beijing office in the prestigious
Chang'an district, and also an office in The Hague. She has
launched legal action against a paper mill in Inner Mongolia
whose pollution is destroying the grassland of nomads in Inner
Mongolia. I asked her what motivated her to do this, as the
area is near the border of independent Mongolia, Inner Mongolia
and Russia, very remote from Beijing. Her answer says much
about today's China: "During the Cultural Revolution
when educated youth were sent down to the countryside to serve
the masses, my husband was sent to that area, and he stayed
there for 11 years before he could obtain permission to get
back to Beijing. He saw the hard life of the herders. He was
there so long it became part of him, and it still is. He knows
the grass used to be lush and long, but now it is so short."
So Wang Li launched a law case to hold the polluting factory
and the local cadres accountable for the pollution, and seek
compensation. She describes it as a case of implementing executive
liability. She is also using the resources of her law firm
to mobilise other resources to alleviate poverty among the
She has arranged for many of China's relevant laws to be
translated into Mongolian, and had the copies distributed
among the indigenous inhabitants, so they know their rights.
At WSSD she is urging the many Chinese participants to consider
her idea for an action plan which would put proposals to WSSD
that the rich countries should accept greater responsibility
for poverty alleviation. This is very much in line with Chinese
foreign policy and China's stance in the UN and WSSD, in particular.
Wang Li's story emerged in a meeting
of Chinese groups, fifty people packed tight into a small room,
the entire proceedings in Chinese. Neither she nor any of the
other Chinese who described their work were trying to impress
the outside world, because the audience was entirely Chinese,
and many of them did not know each other, as China is so big.
Of course not all these organizations were as inspiring.
At the opposite extreme were several organisations that are
direct organs of the Communist Party, or exist to directly
implement government policy. This includes the Chinese People's
Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries. They work
in Africa, and say they have established relations with 100
NGOs beyond China. Another group argued that the rich globally
should do more to help the poor is "Green Earth Volunteers"
based in Beijing.
There are also several organisations seeking to boost their
international standing, connections and access to money, including
some semi-private academic think tanks, and even the Shanghai
Venture Capital Company.
But most of the Chinese organisations, as they took it in
turn to stand in the overcrowded room and introduce themselves,
are closer to Wang Li's end of the spectrum. Some are small
and very new, and work at the local-level. Some are well established
and work in many areas. Many combine conservation work with
uplift of the poor, and environmental education. Perhaps this
is the rebirth of patronage by the rich, who make public their
own high standard of civilisation by setting up projects for
the poor.
Perhaps the best illustration of the extraordinary diversity
of today's China is the All-China Women's Federation and the
Chinese Women Entrepreneurs Association. On the surface the
Women's Federation is a mass organ of the Communist Party.
It has a huge membership. Yet anyone who has read the book
of an American anthropologist Hill Gates (Looking for Chengdu)
will know that the members use this legitimate structure to
do many useful things, for which no other organisation can
be formed. At the "Chinese NGOs Caucus" meeting,
Women's Federation members made it clear that in addition
to looking after the interests of women, they do much community
development work. But they didn't say much, perhaps because
they are so well known within China.
The Women Entrepreneurs are from China's most modern city,
Shenzhen, a city without a past or roots. They say there are
many tens of thousands of women in the organisation. They
say they do poverty work, programs for the elderly and education.
This is entirely believable as China's social security system
even in rich cities is very limited, and it is up to community
organizations to fill in the many gaps. Many entrepreneurs
in Shenzhen are now so rich there is no longer anything left
to buy, and they have wealth to spare. While their husbands
spend money on junior wives and second apartments for these
mistresses, the wives show they are more cultivated, by doing
social work.
All these groups are loosely coordinated by a remarkable
German woman Dorit Lehrack, who found herself in Beijing when
her husband was transferred, and invented a new job for herself,
and used her previous experience as a Friends of the Earth
campaigner to write a grant proposal and obtain funding from
the German government's Centre for International Migration
(an offshoot of the German government aid agency GTZ). This
energetic young women helped set up over the past 18 months
the "China Association for NGO Cooperation" (CANGO),
the first umbrella organisation for all "NGOs",
with Huang Haoming its executive director.
Of special interest are the groups working in present-day
western China. There are several. Among those listed in the
CANGO booklet are the Snowland Great Rivers Environment Protection
Association, Green Plateau Institute, Yunnan Eco-network,
but these are just a few. Yunnan is especially a province
where NGOs can set up, far from Beijing. Some, such as CBIK
Centre for Indigenous Knowledge specialise in honouring the
traditional knowledge of the indigenous inhabitants, who are
many in present-day Yunnan.
We need not assume these Chinese groups operating in present-day
western China feel as fondly towards Tibetans as they do towards
the rivers that are the fount of all life in China. One participant
from these groups said that the reason the west remains a
"Shangrila" is because there are no roads, and it
is important to promote the idea that no roads should be built,
because roads will ruin "Shangri-la". This seems
to me to be a very modern nostalgia for a lost golden age
when life was simple, quite similar to the way the British
in India loved the mountains, the wildlife, the rivers, Everything
but the Indian people. Another man stood up and said he went
into the mountains where the poor live, pointed to a tree
and asked a child if it is permitted to cut it. The child
said yes, we need to cut it. This proves the ignorance of
these people, and why we need to educate them.
Some of the biggest Chinese organizations are based in Hong
Kong, and it was the Conservancy Association of HK that hosted
the caucus meetings and may be poised to take a parental role
in the ultimate strengthening of a culture of NGOs in the
People's Republic of China. The Conservancy Association is
one of the few groups from PRC aware of global issues under
debate at WSSD, and argued at the caucus for a World Environment
Protection Association to keep environmental issues from being
swamped by WTO and trade. Hong Kong based NGOs spoke about
the need to focus on consumption, and promote Sustainable
consumption. Oxfam HK is part of a worldwide organisation,
familiar with critiques of globalisation.
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