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Transformation of desertified land in the Grazing-farming
interlaced belt of Northern China
Liu Xinmin and Zhao Xyue-yong
June 29, 2002
Institute of Desert Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Lanzhou City, 730000 China Tel: 0931-8839197/8847614; Fax:
0931-8883209/8889950; E-mail: cibidr@ns.lzb.ac.cn
This rangeland-farmland interlaced belt with a fragile eco-system
is mainly distributed along the Great Wall and the Xiliaohe
River, occupying an estimated area of 200,000 km2. Over-grazing
and over expansion of dry farming, in conjunction with highly
erodible sandy soils and a harsh windy and dry climate, have
combined to cause extensive vegetation degradation and soil
erosion. Since about 200 B.C., rain-fed agriculture has crept
several times into dry areas and cropping has now taken place
even in some regions of this belt receiving as little as 150
mm of mean annual precipitation, which is important historical
reason for the fragility of the whole belt. The core of the
fragility is thought to be the imbalance between the anthropogenic
pressure and the limited renewable resource supporting capacity.
Inappropriate strategies of desertification control have also
delayed the transformation process of desertified land and
resulted in large areas of dwarf trees, less palatable range
vegetation and severely eroded farmland.
Heavy population pressure prevents light grazing levels and
the restoration of the zonal steppe vegetation. By traditional
plantation methods only, the theoretic approach to the eco-balance
between anthropogenic pressure and resource capacity has to
be to create a new pattern of pasture-agriculture combination
with higher production and sustainable land use. In the regions
with densely distributed sand dunes, an eco-model named small
biosphere can increase the production in the inter-dune
depressions so as to initiate the vegetation restoration on
the surrounding sand dunes. Inserting the technique of water-saving
rice cultivation which was plastic film for water seepage
prevention in the core zone of the small biosphere
has further perfected the eco-model. In the regions with larger
area of rain-fed cropland intruded in the rangeland area,
readjustment of land use structure is needed, by which a small
part of the rain-fed cropland can be transformed into irrigated
cropland. The rest of the land must then be reversed to rangeland
in order to control soil erosion. In the regions with gently
sloping sandy rangeland the combination of grazing controlling
measures with establishment of shelterbelt networks can promote
the vegetation restoration.
China is suffering from large scale and severe desertification.
There are 593,000 km2 of sandy deserts, 569,000 km2 of Gobi
deserts and 371,000 km2 of apparently desertified land in
China (Zhu Zhenda et al. 1994). More than 60% of the desertified
land is located in the regions known as the rangeland-cropland-belt.
China has a long history of combating desertification. Since
the foundation of the Peoples Republic of China in 1949,
particularly since 1978, much more attention has been paid
to desertification control. Great achievements and progress
in the aspects of revegetation, rangeland improvement and
soil conservation have been made in the affected areas. Some
acceptable and practical techniques, successful demonstrations,
as well as extention models for combating desertification
have been developed at grassroot, community, local and national
levels. About 42,870 km2 of land affected by desertification
has been rehabilitated in the recent 5 years, out of that
29,500 km2 have been re-afforested and revegetated. However,
desertification has not been held back. Under the pressure
of rapid population growth and the less developed economy,
the general tendency of desertification in the whole country
is still accelerating. More than 2,100 km2 of productive land
is being lost annually to desertification in China, mainly
in the rangeland-cropland interlaced regions.
Studies of desertification dynamics and experiments on its
reversion in the typical rangeland-cropland-interlaced belt
have been conducted in recent years at two field stations
of the Institute of Desert Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Shapotou Experiment Station of Desert Research in the
western part and the Naiman Experiment Station of Desertification
in the eastern part of the belt. This paper is intended, based
on the results from these stations, to analyze the features
and causes of desertification in this belt and to suggest
reversion strategies and techniques.
Distribution and general features
of the desertified land |
In China, vast areas of sandy deserts and Gobi deserts are
mainly located in the arid zone, between 3550°N
and 74107°E, where the annual precipitation is less
than 250 mm. Desertification in this zone appears only in
the oasis regions. Large scale desertification occurs mainly
in the semi-arid and drier sub-humid zones, between 3650°N
and 107125°E, where the annual precipitation is
200 to 450 mm. This area includes 200,000 km2 of land affected
by desertification along the Great Wall and the Xiliaohe River,
forming a belt about 1,800 km long and 100 to 200 km wide.
Its size and fragility is thought to be second only to the
Sahel-Sudan belt in the world.
The general features of desertification in this belt are
severe land degradation characterized by devegetation, ground
surface sand reactivation, soil erosion, the formation of
desert-like landscape, and accompanying process of rapid decline
of production and poverty. It has been estimated that desertification
in this belt is affecting about 7 million people and leading
to a loss of several billion RMB yuan each year. A single
sandstorm disaster on May 5, 1993 resulted in a tremendous
economic loss, amounted to half a billion RMB yuan, and the
death of 80 people.
Analysis of the causes of desertification
Although the land subjected to desertification is affected
by unfavourable natural factors, the rangeland in most of
the semi-arid zone had not suffered severe desertification
nor lost its capability of recovering from light disturbances
(Liu Xinmin et al. 1994). Originally, this belt-shaped zone
with semi-arid climate and sandy land was mainly used as rainfed
grazing land and dominated by herdsmen. Since around 200 B.C.,
with the population growth and agriculture development in
the middle part of China, rain-fed cropping moved northwards
to this zone and the conflict between herdsmen and farmers
started. In order to keep the newly reclaimed farmland and
avoid conflict or even war, the construction of the Great
Wall started under the organization of the Qin Empire. The
Great Wall is considered to have been of great importance,
not only as a military demarcation line in the ancient time,
but also as an apparent bio-climate dividing line between
pasturage and agriculture areas. However, it did not permanently
prevent the intrusion of cropping from the south. It played
a better role of preventing herdsmen from migrating southwards
than of stopping farmers from moving northwards. The rain-fed
agriculture has since crept northwards several times into
excessively dry areas and cropping is now taking place in
regions receiving as little as 200 mm of annual precipitation.
This floundering land use structure resulted in a long lasting
mismanagement of this big zone.
At the beginning of cultivation, farming activities can usually
provide livelihood to more people than can animal husbandry
activities in the sandy land. The local people thought that
farming was a revolutionary action. It was then followed by
desertification and land abandonment. Some 4 or 5 years later,
when the vegetation had recovered to some extent, the local
people would repeat their action and create an even worse
degradation of the land. This situation was often accelerated
by climatic fluctuations.
Finally, this big zone became an ecological fragile one with
a farming-grazing mixed structure and lower capacity for producing
food, fodder and fuelwood. This historical impact on this
fragile ecosystem will last for a long period of time. Regarding
the present reasons for desertification in this zone, it should
first be considered that under the harsh natural conditions
such as frequent drought, strong wind, vast area of sandy
ground and short frost-free period, the limited renewable
resource supporting capacity in this fragile eco-system can
not bear todays intensified land use and the increased
population pressure. This kind of a passive situation and
the ecological disturbance is thought to be the result of
the long lasting floundered pattern of land management in
the whole zone.
Rapid population growth is an important driving force to
increase the pressure on the land resource, because a larger
population must induce more activities for needs of life.
In the last 50 years, the population in this zone has doubled.
The available cropland per capita and rangeland per sheep
unit has decreased by a factor of three. A series of unwise
activities, such as overgrazing, over expansion of cropland,
abuse of water resource, removal of shrubs and trees for fuelwood
gathering, etc., has caused wide spreading of desertification.
Urbanization, traffic infrastructure construction, mine exploitation,
as well as recreation, have also disturbed the land and the
vegetation. In summary, the core of the fragility of the eco-system
in this belt is thought to be the imbalance between the anthropogenic
pressure and the limited renewable resource supporting capacity.
In addition, some inappropriate strategies of desertification
control have delayed the process of desertification reversion
and even stimulated the development of desertification in
this zone. In the recent 50 years, with the political impact
of the Great Leap Forwards (19571960) and the Great
Proletarian Culture Revolution (19661976), large-scale
changes in land use from grazing to cropping occurred several
times. With the destruction of perennial vegetation the good
structure and the nutrition of the soil was quickly lost.
In addition, many inappropriate efforts for desertification
control by conventional revegetation resulted in large areas
of old dwarf trees, unpalatable range vegetation and less
productive and erodible farmland.
Strategies for desertification reversion
Through the above analysis of the causes of desertification
it may be concluded that under the heavy population pressure
and the floundered land use structure it is impossible
to restore the steppe vegetation and the light grazing pasturage
to its original situation, and that conventional plantation
alone is not sufficient in order to control the desertification.
Therefore, the theoretic approach to the eco-balance between
anthropogenic pressure and resource capacity in this zone
should include dividing, transferring and reducing the anthropogenic
pressure on the whole region. That is to say, the grazing
pressure on the large area of sandy rangeland should be decreased
and at the same time the cropping pressure should be increased
on the wet land in the inter-dune depressions. For realizing
this theoretic approach, some new patterns of pasture agriculture
interlacing system with higher production and higher population
capacity must be created. |
New patterns of pasturage-agriculture
interlacing models for transformation of desertified land |
Desertification reversion process must be realized by a series
of land use readjusting measures and new patterns of pasturage-agriculture
interlacing models. In this rangeland-
farmland interlaced belt, there are generally three major
types of severely desertified land. Each different type has
its own cause of desertification and characteristic fragilities,
and needs a specific model for transformation.
In the regions where sand dunes are densely distributed,
desertification reversion is very difficult to achieve. Through
several years of experiments and demonstration services, the
Naiman Experiment Station of Desertification Research, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, jointly with the people in the demonstration
village, has developed an eco-model named small biosphere,
which can promote the above mentioned theoretic approach to
be realized (Liu Xinmin et al. 1995).
This small biosphere model basically consists of three small
circular zones. The core zone is arranged in the
center part, occupying about 1 to 4 ha of wet land, equipped
with one or two wells and pumps for irrigation in drought
season and cultivated with productive crops such as wheat,
maize, rice and fodder crops. It is used for food and fodder
production. The out-fringe of the core zone is a protective
zone, covering about 10 to 20 ha of sandy land or sand
dunes, where shelterbelts and windbreaks are planted, and
some psammophytic shrubs planted for fuel materials as well
as for sand control. The houses and the animal yard are also
arranged in the protective zone. Outside of it is a circular
shaped buffer zone, occupying about 100 to 200
ha of sandy land or dunes. As a transitional belt between
the protected zone and the bare drifting dunes, this buffer
zone is used for light grazing, allowing 0.2 to 0.3 sheep
units in one ha, or even forbidding grazing in the beginning
of the small biosphere construction for vegetation establishment
and to reduce the movement of sand. With the increase in crop
and fodder production in the core zone the stocking rate on
the surrounding sandy rangeland can be decreased gradually.
This model can both reduce poverty and protect vegetation.
Each small biosphere is managed by one family, which consists
of 4 to 6 people. This way the income of the family has increased
from less than 5,000 RMB yuan to more than 40,000 yuan in
5 years; the rangeland resource has been restored and the
environment improved.
In the regions with larger areas of rain-fed cropland, which
has intruded in the rangeland area, the heavy population is
generally concentrated in big villages surrounded by larger
areas of rain-fed farmland with lower production and severe
soil erosion. An inappropriate, even erroneous strategy, which
the local farmers adopted for dealing with the fragile conditions,
was the over-expansion of cropland area. The Naiman Experiment
Station has completed a demonstration experiment in the Yaoledianzi
Village and reversed desertification by readjustment of land
use structure, interplantation of erosion-resistant grass
and crops, and maintenance of stubbles and residues.
Before the demonstration experiment, the village had more
than 220 ha of cropland and 500 ha of rangeland. Most of the
cropland was rain-fed. The newly cultivated rain-fed cropland
has suffered from severe soil erosion, with a maximum loss
of fertile top soil of about 3,900 tons per hectare in a year
(Xu Bin et al. 1996). At the same time, wind erosion caused
changes in relief of ground surface which in turn further
changed the erosion patterns. The vicious circle of more expansion
of rain-fed cropland, more destruction of vegetation and soil
structure and poorer production leads to extremely severe
desertification. Through readjustment of land use structure,
the 100 ha of the cropland in depressions has been transformed
to irrigated land with higher production, equipped with 12
wells and pumps. About 20 ha of rain-fed cropland have been
inter-planted with grass, and stubbles and residues are maintained
in winter and spring. About 100 ha of rain-fed cropland has
been abandoned and transferred to natural rangeland by revegetation.
As a result, under the same condition of population (about
105 people), the total production of agriculture and animal
husbandry has doubled and the vegetation coverage increased
from less than 15% to more than 25%.
In the regions with large areas of rangeland on gently sloping
sandy ground the desertification is mainly caused by over-grazing
and over-gathering of fuelwood. It is, however, a very difficult
task to release the rangeland from over-grazing pressure directly
by decreasing the number of domestic animals, because that
could temporarily decrease the production of animal husbandry
and have a great impact on the population.
A part of the population has been organized and migrated
to the abovementioned sand dune area to construct small
biosphere and a part of them organized to manage leather
and wool factories or to build reservoirs. This organization
makes lighter grazing system possible. From a long-term point
of view, a fundamental measure for wind erosion controlling
in sandy rangeland is the establishment of shelterbelt networks.
In the study region, the distance between the main protective
forest belts was taken as 200300 m. The main belts are
composed of four rows of trees and two rows of shrubs. The
auxiliary belts, with about 400 m of interbelt distance, are
composed of 23 rows of trees and 2 rows of shrubs. As
a result, the rangeland has been restored to sustainable use
and the shelterbelts have supplied enough fuelwood for the
In conclusion, the desertification in the ecologically fragile
belt with rangelandcropland interlocked pattern can be reversed.
To do so, anthropogenic pressures need to be redistributed.
Appropriate models need to be selected and the proper technical
measures adopted to increase the capacity of the land to sustain
people and to improve the environment and renewable resources
in the whole region.
Liu Xinmin et al. 1994. A primary study on desertification
dynamics and its reversion strategies in the Middle Part of
Horqin Sandy Land, China. In: Proceedings of the Japan-China
International Symposium on the Study of the Mechanism of Desertification
(ed. Masami Ichikuni). Toyo Publishing and Printing Co., Ltd,
Liu Xinmin et al. 1995. Anti-desertification strategy and
ecological model of water-saving plantation of rice on the
sandy land in the interlacing agro-pastoral region. Journal
of Desert Research 15(Suppl.1), 16.
Xu Bin, Liu Xinmin and Zhao Xueyong 1996. Soil erosion and
its control in the Farming-pastoral Transitional Belt in the
Horqin Sandy Land, Inner-Mongolia. Chinese Journal of Arid
Land Research 8(4), Allerton Press, Inc., New York, 267273
Zhu Zhenda et al. 1994. Desertification of Sandy Land in
China. Science Press, Beijing.
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