March 4, 2006 |
Tokyo, Japan |
of the Inner Mongolian People’s Party who attended the special
meeting in Japan held a protest demonstration in front of the
Chinese Embassy to Japan in Tokyo on March 2, 2006.
protestors held high banners reading “Release Hada!”, “Free
Southern Mongolia”, “Independence of Southern Mongolia”, “Human
Rights for Southern Mongolia”, “Protect Mongolian Culture and
Grasslands”, and “Chinggis Khan Mausoleum, Sacred Place of
Mongolians” and shouted slogans condemning the Chinese
authorities’ colonial regime and oppressive policy in Southern
Mongolia. The protestors also distributed the “Tokyo
Declaration” to numerous Japanese who showed great sympathy
toward what is happening in Southern Mongolia.
“Southern Mongolia is a land of broken
promises where so much was promised by the Chinese Government
but so little was delivered,” one of the protestors said to the
Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center over the
phone, “the early promises of autonomy have been seen now as
just paper promises and Mongols like Hada, leader of the
Southern Mongolian Democratic Alliance, who demanded ‘real
autonomy’ for the Mongols have been punished harshly with long
jail sentences.” The protestors also strongly condemned the
Chinese authorities’ policy of privatizing the Chinggis Khan
Mausoleum that has long been regarded by Mongols around the
world as a sacred place but two years ago was transferred from
nominal Mongol control to a Chinese firm in the name of
“boosting local tourism” and “opening up the west”. The
commercialization of the Chinggis Khan Mausoleum has been seen
as one more act of disrespect to the Mongols and Mongols around
the world have strongly criticized the policy including the
relatively moderate Southern Mongolian students and scholars in
Since the establishment of the Inner
Mongolian People’s Party in 1997, numerous protest
demonstrations in front of Chinese embassies in many countries
have been held. However, this is the first time the Party has
held a public demonstration against China in Japan, a democratic
nation that has long maintained a delicate relationship with her
dictator neighbor China.
