
“Central Eurasian Studies Review”
Volume 1, Number 3, pp 22-23 Fall 2002 ISSN 1538-5043
Uradyn Bulag, The Mongols at China's Edge:
History and the Politics of National Unity. Lanham, MD and
London: Rowman and Littlefield Publishing, 2002. xi + 273 pp.,
maps, illustrations, bibliography, index. ISBN: 0742511448.
$34.95 paper.
Reviewed by: Timothy May, Department of
History, the University of Wisconsin-Madison,
In his new book Uradyn Bulag has taken on a
formidable task in examining ethnicity and national unity in
the People's Republic of China (PRC). The focus of his study
is the Mongol population of Inner Mongolia, their autonomous
region in the PRC, in which the Mongols are a minority.
Concepts of ethnicity and nationality are complicated, but
Professor Bulag's book becomes more intricate due to the fact
that he himself is a Mongol originally from Inner Mongolia.
As stated in the opening pages of The Mongols
at China's Edge, the purpose of this study is "to understand
the multifaceted Mongol experiences in China, past and
present, and through it, to highlight broader issues
pertaining to the Mongols and other peoples on China's vast
border" (p. 1). In addition, Bulag, an anthropologist by
training, attempts to study the development and the very
concept of minorities in the PRC, particularly in the context
of the minzu tuanjie or national unity (p. 1). Through this he
explores relations between socialism and nationalism, as well
as resistance to national unity and the moral dilemmas that
The Mongols at China's Edge consists of seven
chapters, divided into the introduction and 3 separate parts.
In the first chapter or introduction to the problem at hand,
Bulag sets forth the historiography of nationalism and
ethnicity as well as a discussion of minzu tuanjie. Following
this is Part One, entitled "Producing and Reproducing National
Unity." Consisting of two chapters entitled "Ritualizing
National Unity: Modernity at the Edge of China" and
"Naturalizing National Unity: Political Romance and the
Chinese Nation," this section examines the concept of minzu
tuanjie from its origins and how concepts of nationality have
changed over the course of time.
In the first chapter Uradyn Bulag states that
his work asks several questions as he attempts to understand
the role of ethnicity and national identity. He asks: what are
the characteristics of Chinese minzu tuanjie and how do
national groups, many of whom were enemies in the past, adjust
to the harmonious atmosphere of minzu tuanjie in the People's
Republic of China? Next he examines how Mongolian nationalism
and socialism in Inner Mongolia function in China, which is
also nationalistic and communist in its own right. This leads
to a third problem, namely, how does a small minority in Inner
Mongolia, the Mongols,
legitimately exercise autonomy as the "titular nationality of
their historic homeland?" (p. 2). Finally, he asks to what
extent the Mongols of China struggle to maintain or achieve
cultural and historical integrity, while still maintaining the
concept of minzu tuanjie.
The second and third chapters examine two case
studies. In the second chapter Bulag undertakes a
multi-disciplinary approach to the Mongols of Koko Nur and
their relationships with the Manchus, Han, and Tibetans in
that region or in the government. Chapter Three examines the
modern perceptions as well as the change in interpretation of
Wang Zhaojun, a Han princess who was sent to be the bride of a
Hsiung-nu khan. Whereas the first case
study was grounded in history, the third chapter examines
gender and sexuality.
The second part, entitled "Tensions of Empire,"
examines the conflict between various ethnicities within the
PRC as well as ethnic tensions that originated in the Qing
Empire. Two chapters comprise this section. The first, "From
Inequality to Difference: Colonial Contradictions of Class and
Ethnicity in 'Socialist' China," examines the contradictions
between ethnicity and class in a socialist state. The second
chapter, "Rewriting 'Inner Mongolian' History after the
Revolution: Ethnicity, Nation and the Struggle for
Recognition," is a study of the Mongolians' attempts to come
to grips with their position within the PRC, as well as Han
Chinese and the Communist government's own relationship with
the Mongolians of Inner Mongolia.
The final part, entitled "Models and Morality,"
presents two case studies on ethnicity and
nationality. The sixth chapter of the book, "Models and
Morality: The Parable of the 'Little Heroic Sisters of the
Grassland,'" examines how two Mongolian girls are transformed
into role models for all of Communist China, while their story
is changed to accommodate the idea of minzu tuanjie. The final
chapter, "The Cult of Ulanhu: History, Memory, and the Making
of an Ethnic Hero" examines the life of Ulanhu, the most
prominent Mongolian figure in Inner Mongolia, and indeed, the
PRC. Ulanhu (1906-1988) was the founder of the Inner Mongolia
Autonomous Region and its leader until 1947. During the 1980s
he served as vice president of China, becoming the
highest-ranking minority in the PRC's government. A cult of
ancestor/hero worship developed after his death out of the
memory of what he accomplished for the Mongolian nation in
China, a cult that was partially encouraged by the gevernment.
Bulag's study is a much-needed work on
minorities in China, especially since the lion's share of
attention given to this issue in the mass media is focused on
Tibet and, to a lesser extent, the situation in Xinjiang. In
spite of its many merits, this work suffers somewhat from poor
organization. The chapters in The Mongols at China's Edge read
as a series of articles rather than as coherent and
interconnected chapters of a single book with a unifying
theme. While it is certainly true that the theme is the
relationship between the Mongols as a separate ethnic group
and their position as part of China, there is little
transition between the chapters. The major reason for this, as
Uradyn Bulag states in his acknowledgments, is that chapters
three, six, and seven appeared in earlier form as articles in
academic journals (p. xi). However, these articles provide
only the framework for later research that has been added as
they form the chapters in The Mongols at China's Edge.
Nevertheless, each chapter provides insight and they work
wonderfully as separate case studies on various aspects of
minority relations.
The other weakness of the book is the lack of a
conclusion. Chapter seven deals with possibly the most
important figure in modern Inner Mongolian history and
politics: Ulanhu. Bulag's treatment of Ulanhu is thorough and
admirable. While one may justifiably comment that Ulanhu
represented the pinnacle of achievement in Inner Mongolia, a
separate concluding chapter would have better tied all of the
chapters together.
Nevertheless, Uradyn Bulag's The Mongols at
China's Edge should be an essential read for anyone working on
minorities in China, or for that matter in any region. Bulag's
multi-disciplinary approach to the topic is balanced, as is
his choice of subject matter in each chapter.