By Li Narangoa[1] |
Nov 14, 2007 |
Japan Focus |
Introduction: Imaging
Urban Development on the Frontier
The history of Inner
Mongolia during the last century has been in important respects
a story of Sinicization. On the one hand, massive immigration by
Han Chinese has transformed the Mongol community into a minority
of around 20% in their homeland. On the other hand, as is the
case of other minority peoples in China and elsewhere, there has
been a steady erosion of the distinctive identity of the
Mongols, especially in urban regions. Many now speak and read no
Mongolian and have adopted Chinese names, dress and other
markers of Chinese culture. Visitors to the capital of Inner
Mongolia, Hohhot, as recently as ten years ago would have found
it very similar in appearance to a dozen or more Chinese cities
of about the same size. It comes as a surprise therefore that,
in the last decade, the cityscape of Hohhot has come to display
a public Mongol identity that differentiates it sharply from
other cities in China. This new public face of Mongol identity
is not a reflection of resurgent Mongol nationalism. Rather it
represents a taming of ethnicity by the forces of tourism and
the market through processes of nationalization and
Hohhot is located at the
foot of the Dalanhar (Ch. Daqingshan) mountain chain on average
1040m above sea level. To the south and southwest of the city,
the Tumed plain sweeps down to the great northern bend of the
Yellow River. Today’s Hohhot developed from the merger of two
towns constructed in the 16th and 18th
centuries respectively. The first town was constructed in the 16th
century under the Mongol Prince Altan Khan (1507-1582) who
reintroduced Tibetan Buddhism to Mongolia
and created the title of
Dalai Lama ("Ocean of Wisdom").
[2] He named the settlement Köke Qota, or ‘blue city’ and under
his rule, it became the administrative, military and cultural
center of the Tumed Mongols who continue to live in the adjacent
area known as the Tumed banner to this day. [3] Originally, Köke
Qota was a small castle town surrounded by a single wall only
one kilometre long; the town was called Guihua (‘return to
civilization’ or ‘taming the barbarians’) in Chinese. In the
late 17th century, the Manchu emperor Kangxi constructed another
wall outside the existing wall, enclosing areas where Chinese,
Hui and Mongol artisans and traders lived. This was the
beginning of a mixed population within the city wall. Later, an
administrative office, which served the Chinese population, was
set up. In 1868 there were Muslim rebellions in Gansu and the
Qing court, fearing that the rebels might attack their western
outpost at Köke Qota, constructed another much larger circular
wall around the city to include an expanded area which housed
many Chinese workers and traders. Thereafter, the city’s Chinese
population grew more rapidly.
The second town was a
garrison town which the Qing court constructed to the east of
the existing town in 1737 and which they called Suiyuan
(‘pacifying the frontier’). This garrison town was built in
order to control the western Mongols of Tumed, Ulanchab, and
Ordos. In general parlance, the original town of Guihua came to
be called the Old Town (jiucheng) and Suiyuan the New
Town (xincheng). Whereas the old town had started as a
town, the new town began as a mixed garrison settlement with Han
Chinese and Mongol banner garrisons. Later a Manchu banner
garrison was added and, still later, the Han garrisons were
withdrawn. During the late Qing period, the two towns were often
jointly called ‘Gui-Sui’. During the period of the Inner
Mongolian Independence movement led by Prince Demchugdongrob in
the 1930s and 1940s, the city was called Köke (‘blue’). When it
became the capital of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in
1954, [4] the name was changed back to Köke Qota (Hohhot in
English transliteration, Huhehaote in pinyin). [5]
The leaders of the Inner
Mongolia Autonomous Region tried to imbue their capital with
Mongol characteristics. Key buildings, including the Inner
Mongolia Museum and Theatre, incorporated Mongol motifs. From
the late 1960s, however, the Cultural Revolution swept over
Inner Mongolia. Apart from destroying old customs and ideas as
elsewhere in China, the Cultural Revolution in Inner Mongolia
targeted what was portrayed as Mongol ethnic separatism.
Emphasising Mongol characteristics was equated with separatist
sentiment, [6] and in the following two decades, the cityscape
of Hohhot presented the same concrete block monotone. In the
late 1990s, however, the pace of change in the urban landscape
of Hohhot began to accelerate: green spaces were created,
high-rise buildings went up, better lighting was installed. Most
striking, ethnic identity became a prominent element in Hohhot’s
cityscape. [7] The leaders of the city and of the Inner Mongolia
Autonomous Region worked closely with commercial and tourism
interests to highlight the multicultural character of Hohhot and
especially Mongol historical and cultural aspects in order to
distinguish it from other Chinese cities. [8] By making Hohhot
distinctive they aimed to restore the dynamic character of the
city that had historically been a major trading town on the
route to Russia and Central Asia and to give it a global
context. In other words, the newly rediscovered ethnic
characteristics of Hohhot became a means of locating and
branding the city in a global culture.
The development of
Hohhot must be understood in the context of the broader
urbanization and market-driven economic forces sweeping China.
The imperative of economic growth drives Chinese urban
development. [9] Prior to the 1980s, Chinese urbanization was
limited by the combination of state restrictions on urban
growth, limitations on commerce and the private sector, and
investment priorities centered on heavy industry and military
technology. The movement of people to cities and towns as well
as inter-city migration were sharply restricted. Since the
reforms of 1978, by contrast, marketization and relaxation of
controls on population movement have led to accelerated
urbanization nationwide. [10] Concurrent with the emphasis on
modernization and wealth creation, substantial initiative and
resources have passed from the national level to municipal,
county, and township governments, as well as to the private
sector. [11] In contemporary China not only have large cities
accelerated growth, but there has been an explosion in the
growth of small and medium cities and towns. [12] Chinese cities
have been categorized into five different sizes: super large
cities (chaoda chengshi, urban population of over 2
million), very large cities (teda chengshi, population
between 1 and 2 million), large cities (da chengshi,
500,000 to one million), middle-size cities (zhongdeng
chengshi, 200,000 to 500,000), and small cities (xiao
chengshi 100,000 to 200,000). [13] Hohhot had belonged to
the category of a large city with its population of under one
million in recent decades, but by the end of 2006 its urban
population (non-agrarian) hit one million, making it a very
large city. [14] The ambition of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous
Regional government is to develop Hohhot into a major metropolis
with subregional, national and international reach. In 2006, the
Inner Mongolian Autonomous government issued regulations
targeting the development of Hohhot and Baotou, the region’s
steel center, as super large cities (chaoda chengshi)
meaning that the population of each is projected to top 2
million. [15]
This rapid urbanization
and increasing interest in developing Hohhot to become a super
large city have to do with the broader idea of building a modern
and global urban China. Image building has not only become a
part of state policy in constructing what is described as a
socialist, modern, environmentally sustainable, culturally sound
and globally-oriented urban China; it has also become a source
of pride for local officials and citizens, and a selling point
for regional and local governments and communities. This led to
an emphasis on regional and local history, culture and heritage
in urban planning and cityscape. Theme parks devoted to
traditional, historical and local/ethnic cultures appeared first
in the Special Economic Development zones along the Chinese
coast and later spread to other regions. Whereas in the first
phases of the process many old buildings and historic city
precincts were cleared to make way for roads and modern
buildings, later city planners began to pay serious attention to
heritage. Old temples, monasteries, mosques and anything that
might represent a city or town’s image were renovated or
reconstructed to attract tourists and investors. This urban
development is intended not only to attract tourists and tourist
money, but also to demonstrate the advanced face of China to the
outside world. As Dredge has pointed out, Chinese economic
discourse intersects powerfully with culture. The environment,
heritage and nationalism have important implications for tourism
planning and product development and vice versa. [16]
The Inner Mongolia
Autonomous Region, notably its capital Hohhot, was one of many
that responded to this image building project in the context of
rapid urbanization. Innovations began in the 1980s, but massive
changes in the cityscape only became clearly visible from the
late 1990s. [17] In 2000, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous regional
government proposed the so-called ‘357 project’, projecting
goals of urban transformation for Hohhot over 3, 5 and 7 years:
the government projected minor change in 3 years, medium change
in 5 years and major change in 7 years. The plan envisioned
annual investment of 100 billion yuan. [18] After an initial
frenzy of destruction, Hohhot’s urban development has stressed
historical, ethnic and cultural heritage and an environmentally
sustainable urban culture in which historical heritages have
been reconstructed.
I argue that Hohhot’s
emphasis on historical and ethnic cultural heritage was driven
by economic and status interests consonant with the national
Chinese obsession equating urbanization with modernization
rather than by any desire to promote Mongol culture and
ethnicity. In other words, ethnic culture and images, especially
aspects of the nomadic Mongol culture, which had seemed utterly
alien to ‘modern urban’ life in the new China, moved to the very
centre of the urban image construction project and become valued
commodities not for their own sake but rather for the sake of
differentiating Chinese Hohhot from other Chinese cities. Ethnic
heritage and culture, previously viewed as signs of
backwardness, became the very means of catching up with the
modern urbanization which is gripping coastal China, a symbol of
the uniqueness of the city and a means of presenting the city to
the global market. Paying homage to the visible or superficial
ethnic culture and heritage for commercial purpose does not
prevent assimilation of ethnic culture. This article shows how
ethnic culture and cultural heritage have been promoted as part
of the urban development of Hohhot in the context of the market
economy and tourism, how the power of selling produces and
reproduces a selective ‘uniqueness’ of ethnicity and of the
region in an age of globalization and yet how these special
ethnic and regional characteristics -- whatever global qualities
they might have -- must be framed in the context of changing
socialist ideology, national politics and unity.
Cultural and Ethnic
The contemporary
population of Hohhot consists of Mongol, Chinese, Manchu, Hui
(Muslim) and other ethnic groups. The official description of
the population composition of Hohhot states: ‘Mongols are the
main body (mengguzu wei zuti), Han-Chinese are the
majority (hanzu wei duoshu), and some 36 nationalities
[or ethnic groups] such as Manchu and Hui live together’. [19]
In fact, Mongols comprise a
mere 14% of the
total inhabitants of the city today. Nevertheless, Mongols are
formally presented as the ‘main body’ of the city’s inhabitants,
as if to justify the name of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous
Region. This small Mongol population, however, is the largest
number of Mongols to live in Hohhot at any time in its modern
history. By 1949, 7,115 Mongols lived in Hohhot, representing
only 3.4% of the inhabitants, while Hui, Manchus and Han Chinese
made up 4.9%, 1.2% and 90.5% respectively. The Mongol population
of Hohhot increased after Hohhot became the capital of the Inner
Mongolia Autonomous Region, [20] reaching 14,172 or 5.3% of the
population by 1954. By 1990, the Mongol population had increased
to 98,381 or 10.4% of the inhabitants (Hui and Manchus accounted
for 3.1% and 1.8% respectively while the rest were Han Chinese).
[21] By 2006, the Mongol population had reached 200,000 which
represented almost 74% of the entire non Han-Chinese population
of about 270,000, or 14% of the total inhabitants of 1.43
million. [22]
This historical and
ethnic composition is the basis of the very recent
‘ethnicization’ of the cityscape which in turn is hoped to boost
tourism and the local economy. The core of the city has been
developed as four districts, namely Yuquanqu, Saihanqu, Huiminqu
and Xinchengqu. Set up in 1954, until 1960 these districts were
the only components of the city. In the last five decades,
however, four adjacent counties (Togtokh, Horinger, Qingshuihe
and Wuchuan) and the Tumed West banner [23] have been added to
the city. The total area under Hohhot administration is 170,000
square kilometers, of which about 120 square kilometres
comprises the central urban area. In 2000, some adjustment was
made to the district divisions, requiring approval by the
Chinese Central government. In recent years these four core
districts have been developed following different emphases.
Yuquanqu (Jade Spring
District) is the oldest part of the city, dating from the 16th
century and together with Huiminqu has generally been called the
old town. Though originally built by the Mongols and the centre
of the Tumed Mongol administration, nowadays the district
emphasises historical monuments such as temples which were built
under Manchu rule. Even the very name Yuquanqu supposedly
originated in the Qing period. It is said that in 1694, when the
Kangxi emperor was returning from a victorious military campaign
against the Zungar Mongols and arrived in the town of Guihua
(today’s Yuquanqu), his men and horses were thirsty but there
was no water to drink. His horse began to dig a ditch from which
a spring emerged. From that time forward, the spring was called
Yuquan (Jade spring). Reportedly the spring (by then a well) was
covered only in 1976. [24] The district boasts historic Buddhist
temples and pagodas as feature attractions. Its old temples have
been renovated and a new park constructed along with shops
surrounding the temples. Even the old grey concrete buildings
which surrounded the temples were painted in colours to match
the temples.

Antique shops at the
Dazhao Temple, Hohhot. There is even a market for large
Mongolian traditional objects such as this wooden cart.

The newly built entrance
to the Dazhao Temple, Hohhot, with apartment houses freshly
painted to match in the background.
Huiminqu, the Hui or
Muslim District, dates from the 17th and 18th
centuries when Hui merchants settled outside the town of Guihua.
In 1950 the area was proclaimed an autonomous Hui District (huimin
zizhiqu) but in 1954 its name was changed to Hui District (Huiminqu).
Huiminqu was completely renovated in ‘Muslim’ style in 2006. By
mid 2006 all 184 buildings on the district’s main street (some
1150m long) had been rebuilt in ‘authentic’ Muslim style such
that a brand new looking Muslim street emerged from the old grey
concrete buildings. [25] The architectural facelift was proposed
by an American design company and the project cost 65 million
yuan. [26] The new look of the street is indeed impressive with
its gold shiny roofs and “muslim-style” motifs and colours. It
even looks ‘authentically’ historical, especially if one does
not know that the façade was completed only in 2006. While the
reconstruction affected only the facade of the buildings, the
result is an exotic and attractive streetscape for tourists.

The main street of
Huiminqu, Hohhot, after the cosmetic surgery in “Hui or
Saihanqu (Beautiful
District) has been constructed as a ‘white-night town’ (baiyecheng),
meaning that the district is so modern that, it is averred,
night looks like day. The district, which is the most recently
developed section of the city, emphasizes the modern features of
light and water. [27] It is located in the south eastern part of
the city on what was formerly farmland which was developed into
an urban precinct in 2000 when Hohhot redefined its district
administration. The main street of the area that linked the
Baita airport and the city center was lined with lavish light
designs, apparently oblivious to the cost of the energy
Xinchengqu (Newtown
District), which had originally housed Mongol and Manchu
garrisons, was given Mongol cultural characteristics. In 1990,
53% of the Hohhot Mongol population lived there and comprised
15% of the population of the district, while the Manchus, who
also had a garrison settlement there but arrived later than the
Mongol garrison, today make up only 2.9% of the district’s
population. [28] The Mongol population is concentrated in this
district because, when the Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region
government moved to Hohhot, government offices and cultural
institutions, with a substantial Mongol staff, were located
here. As the buildings in the Hui District have been refashioned
in the Muslim architectural style, so too have many old
buildings in Xincheng been outfitted with Mongolian ornaments,
though not as drastic as the former. Parks have been created in
which Mongol style monuments dominate and Mongol arts are
displayed. A Chinggis Khan square was set up around a huge
bronze statue of the Mongol hero. New streets and parks have
been created using the names of Mongol historical personages.
For example, a new main street in this district is called
Chinggis Khan Boulevard. This street, located in the
northeastern corner of the city close to Dalanhar (Daqingshan)
mountain, will be the axis of a series of newly constructed
cultural and landscape attractions: a large new theatre, a
sports centre and a Mongol Yuan cultural corridor.

Park benches with Mongol
saddle motifs
In 2002, specialists
from Tongji University in Shanghai were invited to design the
project. In 2003, local planning and design specialists reviewed
the draft plan. In 2004, specialists, including city planners,
landscape experts, economic analysts, architects and light
engineers from the US, along with local specialists, worked on
the detailed plan and design. This construction project and its
planning in conjunction with international experts was reported
as an exemplary process for building a beautiful streetscape to
achieve ‘international standards, [using] a strong local
cultural atmosphere’. In November 2005, the city council set up
a commission to landscape and design Chinggis Khan Boulevard. An
evaluation group (pingshenzu) of 11 academics in the
field of Mongolian history, culture, art and architecture was
nominated as part of the commission. The experts checked the
authenticity of the historical events, motifs and art forms
involved. [29] The motto of the planning and design group, which
consisted of international and national specialists, was:
‘mobilize the steppe tradition, display a dynamic culture,
demonstrate an overall “human character” (renxing) in
design, and marry the ethnic cultural essence with domestic and
international architectural elements.’ [30] The architecture
along the Chinggis Khan Boulevard is modern, the amalgamation of
‘ethnic contents’ is limited to superficial ornamental and
monumental decorations.

Brand new exclusive apartments in
Hohhot with Mongol rock painting motifs on the outer wall

Buildings refurbished with Mongol
Xincheng has been
constructed as the symbolic focus of Hohhot. The street was to
represent ‘the new outlook and symbol’ of Hohhot. Chinggis Khan
Boulevard was to depict the steppe and Mongol Yuan dynasty
culture would be the new symbol of Hohhot: according to Han
Zhiran, a Mongol who is the Party secretary of the city council,
‘as soon as outsiders see this street they will immediately
recognize it as Hohhot’. [31] Constructing a Mongol cultural
ambience is the central theme not only in the Xincheng district,
but in Hohhot as a whole. The city has been made to take on
distinctive ethnic Mongol characteristics to represent the Inner
Mongolia Autonomous Region itself. Han Zhiran declared that ‘a
city has to have its own special character. Hohhot, as the
capital city of a minority autonomous region, is to emphasize
the Mongol ethnic cultural character and to carry this into
every single building, to make buildings cultural marks with a
clearly distinctive cultural composition and thus highlight
Hohhot’s charm’. [32]
Alongside the majority
Han Chinese, the Mongols, Hui and Manchus form the main ethnic
groups. Currently, the ethnic cultural character of the Mongols
and Muslims has been embodied in the urban development of Hohhot.
The Manchu cultural emphasis, by contrast, is not visible. The
Muslim-style and Mongol-style ornaments and architecture and
monuments are emphasised in the Old (Huiminqu and Yuquanqu) and
New Town Districts where the Hui and Mongol population are
concentrated. The special characteristics are created as an
emblem that distinguishes Hohhot from other cities and as a
symbol of multiculturalism and ethnic harmony. In other words,
ethnicity is being used to highlight local distinctiveness.
Ethnicizing Hohhot and
In China, it is widely
recognized that the ‘ethnic minority’ areas are economically
underdeveloped and the central government’s slogan is to develop
the minority ethnic areas and enable them to catch up
economically by encouraging minority regions to capitalize on
their “wealth” – specifically their ethnic culture and heritage.
Since the 1980s, with the introduction of economic reforms, it
became possible, indeed people were encouraged, to emphasize the
distinctiveness of Inner Mongolia. Hohhot has long been regarded
as a frontier town by the central government and placed amongst
the second ranked cities nationally. But the Hohhot authorities
were determined to catch up with other provincial capitals. The
city participated keenly in national level projects and
competitions. If promoting ethnic culture had once been an
indicator of separatism, emphasising ethnic local cultural
characteristics become a road to success in national level
competitions and attracting national projects. In other words,
competition at the national level has driven the leaders of
Inner Mongolia, and Hohhot in particular, to embrace the local
ethnic cultural character and heritage.
Two major national level
projects boosted awareness of local heritage and ethnic culture
among Hohhot and Inner Mongolia leaders. The first was the
campaign for the creation of a national level historical and
cultural heritage city in the 1980s. In 1982, the Chinese
Central Government issued a ‘law on preserving cultural
heritage’ (Zhonghua renmin gongheguo wenwu baohufa) and
nominated 24 cities as ‘historical and cultural cities’ (lishi
wenhua chengshi). Hohhot was not on the list. Nevertheless
it responded to this central government initiative and promoted
Hohhot’s historical and cultural heritage. Then in 1984, the
municipal authorities for the first time set up an office to
administer cultural heritage (Huhehaoteshi Wenwu Guanlichu). In
1986, the city was nominated as a national level ‘historical and
cultural city’. [33]
The other event that has
influenced the leadership in Hohhot to think actively about the
historical and ethnic cultural heritage of the city and its
attractiveness for the rising tourism market has been the
campaign to join the much hyped Chinese project called
Opening-up the West (Xibukaifa). The grand project of
Opening-up the West was a central government policy that aimed
at developing the economy of western China, including the
Northwest, securing ethnic solidarity and social stability and
contributing to national security. [34] A feature of this policy
was the creation of so-called ‘open frontier cities’ (yanbian
kaifang chengshi). ‘Open’ in this context meant easier
access for outside settlers, visitors and investment, as well as
the possibility of additional government financial support.
Again, Hohhot had to lobby to be nominated. It had to project
itself as culturally unique and important, using ethnicity and
its ethnic cultural heritage as part of the campaign. It claimed
that as a frontier city it could contribute much to ethnic unity
and thus national security. The Inner Mongolian leadership was
determined to rid itself of its ‘third world’ image [35] within
China, and attract extra revenue from the central government. In
1992, Hohhot finally succeeded in getting its ‘open frontier
city’ nomination.
One more national level
competition is crucial to Hohhot’s image building and its
relationship to its ethnic cultural image. That is the quest to
become an Environmentally Friendly Model City. Since 1997, 47
cities have been designated Environmentally Friendly Model
Cities. Hohhot has yet to win this honour. There are 30 criteria
for an Environmentally Friendly Model City. These range from
clean air to clean water and from clean streets to a green
environment. It is reported that Hohhot has only been able to
fulfil 18 of the 30 conditions. In the last couple of years, the
leaders of the city have strengthened their resolve to improve
the city’s environment. The city council emphasized construction
of a green town with fresh air and dust-free streets by reducing
the use of coal for heating and by controlling automobile
exhaust. Their determination was demonstrated by their campaign
to achieve six goals: ‘blue skies, blue water, green colors,
comfort and quietness, tidiness and cleanliness, and
sustainability’. The city council set up a group to instruct
people at every level of the city and to ‘craft a model [city]’
(chuangmo). [36] To achieve the goal of ‘clean,
beautiful, harmonious, unified and modern’ [37], a so-called
86310 Green Project was launched on the occasion of the 60th
anniversary of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous government in
August 2007. ‘8’ stands for constructing eight cultural
attractions, [38] ‘6’ stands for constructing six parks, ‘3’ for
completing three continuing park construction projects and ‘10’
for completing ten green streets. By June 2006, approximately 2
million trees had been planted. [39] Building an ecologically
sustainable (shengtai chengshi) and human-friendly city
has been the goal in an attempt to present Hohhot as a model
city to its people and to the central government. [40]
The Mongol steppe image
would be engaged to help build an environmentally sustainable
city. [41] Lawns were put in every school yard and street corner
and in some places statues of ‘grazing’ goats or sheep were
installed. To bring the steppes closer to city life, the area
around Hohhot was introduced as tourist attractions. Even areas
more than 100 kilometres distant from the city were presented as
‘steppes around the city’. [42] The Mongol steppes have occupied
popular imaginations in two conflicting ways: one as an idyllic
green space for both Mongols and non-Mongols; the other as a
backward and lonely place for non-Mongols. The romantic image
has now been further upgraded to a ‘heavenly’ place with endless
green grass and fresh air, a place where rich but busy people
can relax. It was believed that linking Hohhot’s image of urban
development with the fresh green Mongol steppe would present the
city as a model of environmentally sustainable ecological
urbanization (huanbaode or shengtaide). [43]

‘Lambs’ on the ‘Steppe’ in a city
The emphasis on ethnic
cultural distinctiveness is meant to complement Hohhot’s modest
industry and harsh climate and attract more tourists. In terms
of industrial output, Hohhot cannot compete with the major
coastal cities. In terms of a recreational tourism industry, it
does not enjoy the year-round mild climate that coastal towns
provide; its summer is short. Therefore, to make the city
attractive to the outside world, distinctive ethnic
characteristics offer the most useful trademark. Moreover,
though short, the summer provides a dry and relatively fresh
climate which most southern Chinese cities lack. This is a basis
for attracting vacation visitors. Tourism has been booming in
China. [44] In 2000, domestic tourists logged 740 million
visitor trips. [45] To compete for tourist dollars, ethnic
cultural heritage has emerged as the main source of regional
distinctiveness. Along with maintaining a sustainable
environment, ‘steppe culture tourism’ (caoyuan wenhua luyou)
has been one of the ten major projects that the Inner Mongolia
Autonomous government has proposed as part of its ‘Westwards
opening’ vision. [46] The fresh dry climate, the image of a
green and cool grassland and ethnic cultural distinctiveness are
keys to Inner Mongolia tourism.
Investment in the urban
development of Hohhot as a city with ethnic characteristics was
also part of the steppe culture tourism project. The emphasis on
urban development for tourism reflects a recognition that most
of China’s tourists are comfort-minded and will spend most of
their trips in cities with amenities such as hotels and superior
dining. The countryside is mostly experienced in day trips.
Overall, the quest of attracting tourism has worked. From being
a region that attracted very little internal tourism, Inner
Mongolia is reported to have received more than 7 million
tourists during the first half of 2006. The Hohhot area itself
received about 430,000 tourists during the months of July and
August. The region’s income from tourism increased by 38%, and
that of Hohhot by 41%, compared to the previous year [47], if we
can believe this official survey.
From Cityscape to
Cultural Industry
Success in transforming
Hohhot’s cityscape and in attracting internal tourism encouraged
the Inner Mongolian authorities to plan further ventures based
on the area’s distinctive cultural identity. ‘Whether a city can
compete depends on its cultural resources, cultural atmosphere
and cultural level,’ commented one official. ‘Building a
culturally distinctive city is an important means of competing
in the global market’. [48] They began to refer to a regional
cultural industry (wenhua chanye) which was to be
developed as a means of strengthening the culture-based economy
of the Autonomous Region. An editorial of the Inner Mongolia
Daily Newspaper (Neimenggu Ribao) described the cultural
industry as the most essential element in the regional economy,
stating that ‘developing the cultural industry is an important
path to building a socialist culture under the market economy
and to fulfilling people’s spiritual needs; it is also a new
growing aspect of the development of an economics-oriented
society’. The sense of domestic competition for commercialized
culture has become acute. ‘If we do not develop and strengthen
the cultural industry of our region, it will be difficult to
compete in the future and [our] rich cultural resources might be
“stolen” by others’. From August 2006, the newspaper created a
column dedicated to Steppe Culture (cuoyuan wenhua).
[49] While the statements and
reports were full of hype and unsubstantiated connections,
nevertheless they positively assess ethnic culture.
One manifestation of
this new cultural industry is a theme park focused on Mongol
customs and history. The Mongol Customs Park (Menggu
fengqingyuan) opened on the outskirts of Hohhot in July 2006
as a state-designated priority tourist project. It has been
built as an AAAA level tourist attraction with an investment of
4.5 million yuan. [50] Being recognized as an AAAA tourist site
means designation as one of the best constructed and
economically beneficial sites in the region. This is a “golden
title” in terms of tourist attractions. [51] Amongst other
things, statues of historical persons, Mongol soldiers and
Mongol imperial camps were recreated in the park. The park was
constructed purely for tourism purposes; local people complain
that it simply aims at cashing in on tourists, especially
foreigners, offering nothing to locals in a city that has little
green space.

Newspaper announcement
for the opening of the main hall of the Mongol Customs Park,
Hohhot. Text reads: “Environmentally sustainable park: Mongol
warrior camp has opened”. (Reprinted from the Huhehaote Ribao,
April 2006.)

Mongol warrior statue in
the Mongol Customs Park
In addition, the
Hohhot authorities introduced cultural festivals and memorial
days which they hoped would create opportunities to promote
special event tourism. Until recently, there was no regional
festival, except for the anniversary of the establishment of the
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Government. In recent years, however,
big festivals have been created and are celebrated on a massive
The first such festival
was the Zhaojun cultural festival (Zhaojun Wenhuajie).
Wang Zhaojun was the Chinese woman who purportedly married the
Hun chieftain Huhanye and became a symbol of ethnic solidarity
and peace. In her honor, a large memorial was built in a suburb
of Hohhot. The name Zhaojun was selected for the new festival in
part because a few industrial products already bore her name,
hence the expectation that the festival would promote local
industry. There were also political reasons: the name or legend
of Wang Zhaojun was a symbol of the solidarity of nationalities,
and Inner Mongolia (and specifically Hohhot) was to be promoted
as a model of national solidarity. [52] The festival was
inaugurated in 1999 and is a 10-14 day annual festival featuring
a major concert and other entertainment, conferences, packaged
tourism and other cultural and business activities. It has been
held in July or August since its inception and its scale has
increased steadily. The Zhaojun tomb, which had been merely a
little hill in the wild landscape on the outskirts of Hohhot,
has been developed into a major tourist attraction. The festival
attracts tourists and raises awareness of Hohhot and Inner
Mongolia far beyond the borders of Inner Mongolia. Each year the
entertainment program highlights a theme and well-known artists
are invited from Beijing and other places to perform. The main
theme for 2002 was ‘Hohhot moves in step with the world’ (Qingcheng
yu shijie tongxing). [53] Each year, foreign guests and
business people, especially from Russia, Mongolia and the
Central Asian countries, are invited to the festival either as
guests or for business negotiations.
A curious manifestation
of Inner Mongolian cultural activity is the Milk Days Festival (niunaijie),
introduced in September 2006. Hohhot’s nomination as China’s
milk capital (Zhongguo rudu) in 2005 provided a huge
marketing opportunity which the city decided to transform into
an annual event. The festival was organized by the Hohhot Party
Commission and city council in cooperation with the municipal
party propaganda department, Inner Mongolian TV, Hohhot’s Daily
Newspaper and the Yili Milk Company. With its own flag and song,
it touts the earnest motto: ‘Develop the city through the milk
industry’. A procession passes through the town and a ‘Milk
Princess’, ‘Milk Prince’ and ‘Milk Baby’ are selected to
heighten interest in the procession, which is followed by
evening concerts. [54] The aim of Milk Days is of course to
promote the very marketable milk products of Inner Mongolia. The
region’s two major dairy companies, Yili and Mengniu, are both
based in Hohhot and a Zhongguo rudu (China’s milk
capital) sign was posted on every street corner and on taxis and
buses. Soon after the nomination in August 2005, a big open air
concert was organized and one of the best-known Mongol singers,
Tengri, from Beijing, was invited to perform. Several thousand
listeners gathered and the singer appeared on stage with a long
hadag (Mongolian ceremonial scarf) and dressed in full
Mongol costume. The main song performed was Mongolian, but it
was sung in Chinese. The majority of the listeners were Chinese,
and they were the main consumers of this ‘ethnic culture’. To
mark the event, a huge monument was erected in the city centre.
The monument was made of ‘milk tea’-colored (i.e. beige) marble:
the upper part was a bucket-shaped arch with four walls, said to
symbolize the openness of Hohhot in all directions, while the
lower part was in the form of a pair of cow horn goblets, which
were traditionally used to demonstrate brotherhood, alignment or
alliance. And thus the pair of goblets symbolizes ‘the great
unity of the different nationalities (minzu datuanjie).
On the front and back of the monument was written ‘China’s Milk
Capital’ in Mongolian and Chinese scripts respectively, along
with Mongol-style motifs. [55]

to commemorate Hohhot as the ‘Milk Capital of China'
(in Mongolian)
In short, the cultural
industry that had been created on the basis of ethnic history,
culture and legends, combined with ideological elements, has
been deployed to enhance the economic power of Hohhot and the
region in the global marketplace. In this context,
paradoxically, the emphasis on Mongol ethnic culture and steppe
culture serves to make the city more cosmopolitan. The milk
industry of Inner Mongolia is entirely in non Mongol hands, but
as a commodity milk plays upon memories of the central role of
milk in the Mongol diet. At the same time, milk is a
quintessentially Western food with strong overtones of
modernity. The smooth white liquid stands simultaneously for
local identity and globalization. In the words of one government
official, ‘the more ethnic, the more cosmopolitan’. [56]
Hohhot: A Steppe
Apart from the
re-emergence of a local cultural heritage in the built
environment of Hohhot and Inner Mongolia, symbolic cultural
images have also been part of the urban image construction and
economic pursuits of the regional government. The images of the
steppe and the city had seldom been linked with urban
advancement in modern times and in fact they had often been
viewed as diametrically opposite phenomena. Now, however, the
Mongol steppe is seen as an essential part of the urban image of
In 2005, Hohhot launched
a plan to project the city as a ‘steppe metropolis’ (caoyuan
dushi). According to the official statement, the concept
‘steppe metropolis’ included improving the service sectors and
especially constructing buildings and streets with ethnic and
regional characteristics; providing residents with a peaceful
environment and strengthening the cultured atmosphere (renwen
qifen). While the city itself was referred to as a ‘steppe
metropolis’, the airport at Hohhot was also called a ‘steppe
airport’ (caoyuan kunggang) and has been extended to
serve as an alternative to the Peking airport during the 2008
Olympic Games in that city. [57]
From 2004, the World
Steppe Cultural Festival (Shijie caoyuan wenhuajie) has
been regularly convened in Inner Mongolia. The first such
festival was organized in Hohhot along with the Zhaojun
festival. The second was convened in Baotou, the major
industrial city of Inner Mongolia. The third in the series was
held in Ordos. Hohhot, Baotou and Ordos are considered to be the
golden triangle of economic development in western Inner
Mongolia. The event mainly consisted of large-scale concerts in
which steppe culture was showcased. Apart from the World Steppe
Culture Festival, the Zhaojun festival has also strongly
promoted the steppe image. The main theme of the opening Zhaojun
festival concert in 2006 was Tiantang caoyuan (“the
heavenly steppes”).
The keywords in Hohhot’s
image building in recent years have been the ‘steppe’ and the
‘horse’. To build a culturally representative and globally
attractive city, the city council initiated a campaign to
identify a suitable image and a competition for the best motif
from April 2005. The results of the competition were published
in Hohhot’s daily newspaper on 14th August 2006. No
first prize was awarded, but there were two second prize
winners, three third prize winners and five honorable mentions.
Nine out of the ten prize winners referred to steppe culture in
the form either of the color green or of galloping horses. [58]
However, the green grass in the centre of Hohhot consists only
of patches of lawns here and there which, moreover, are green
during summer only; and the only horses that can be seen are
engravings, or metal or stone horse statues. For a long time the
only galloping horse was the stone statue atop the Inner
Mongolian Museum. [59]

Southward galloping horse on top of
the Inner Mongolia Museum

Horse statue

Horse sculptures
Emphasizing the Mongol
steppe culture as a symbol of regional identity and urban
development, however, is not only a cultural and economic issue,
but also a political issue. The nomadic culture on the steppe is
completely different from that of the agrarian- settler culture,
the dominant culture of most parts of rural China, and therefore
it distinguishes the region from other areas of China. This
distinctiveness, however, must not be allowed to contradict the
principle that Inner Mongolia is an integral part of China, a
part of the Chinese cultural and historical heritage. To this
end, steppe culture has to be ‘correctly’ defined. Research on
steppe culture was intensified from 2001, with researchers of
the Inner Mongolia Academy of Social Sciences. Their project was
designated a “specially entrusted project” (tebie weituo
xiangmu) by the state, a significant project for the 60th
anniversary of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region. [60] Thus,
from 2004 onwards, along with the World Steppe Culture Festival,
academic conferences on steppe culture have been held annually.
The third such conference was held in August 2006 in Dongsheng,
with 116 papers presented. [61] He Tianming, the vice director
of the Historical Research Institute of Social Sciences in Inner
Mongolia has come up with a most attractive definition for
steppe culture. He maintains that the nomadic and steppe
cultures are different. Steppe culture, he argues, is a higher
and more dynamic culture than nomadic culture, and he has
presented steppe culture, along with the traditional Chinese
Huanghe (or Yellow river) and Changjiang (Yangzi river)
cultures, as one of the three main streams of Chinese
civilization (Zhonghua wenming). He divided steppe
culture historically into several distinct epochs. The period
between 209 and 906 AD, he argued, could be seen as the
construction period of the regional culture and was mainly based
on nomadic culture. The culture between the years 907 and 1205
he saw as one of regional spatial and economic expansion. The
period between 1206 and 1911 is presented as a period of full
development, during which time the basis was laid for China’s
unification and the steppe and settler cultures absorbed and
assimilated each other. [62] His research can be understood
within the ideological framework of constructing a basis for
integrating steppe culture into mainstream Chinese civilization.
Some have hailed his work as the best contribution on steppe
culture to date.
The definition,
according to the reports, is still vague: ‘Steppe culture is the
creation of joint efforts by indigenous peoples, tribes and
other ethnic minorities or nationalities (minzu) and a
culture of adjusting the steppe ecology. This culture includes
the steppe peoples’ modes of production and lifestyles, their
customs, social systems, religious beliefs, sports, arts etc.’
[63] Steppe culture has been reported in romantic terms as a
culture which ‘respects nature and ecology’, and ‘its spirit is
progressive, cultivated, heroic and positive’. [64] The party
secretary of the Communist Party of the Inner Mongolian Social
Science Academy, Wu Tuanying, argued that steppe culture and
nomadic culture were different. ‘Steppe culture belongs to a
regional cultural type, like the maritime and river cultures,
but nomadic culture belongs to an economic type of culture along
with the hunting culture and agriculture. … Steppe culture
emerged from the steppe ecology and spread all over the world.
Not all steppe areas developed a nomadic culture.’ [65] He also
reportedly said that like the Egyptian and Yellow River
cultures, steppe culture was much older than nomadic culture.
One interesting aspect
of this analysis is its rejection of the conventional idea
equating nomadic life with steppe culture, arguing instead that
steppe culture constitutes a higher form of civilization.
Nomadic culture has been considered a backward and primitive
culture in Marxist as well as modernization theory. His argument
can be understood as an attempt to elevate the regional cultural
image and thus the image both of Mongol civilization and Chinese
civilization as whole. This research on steppe culture has been
a major project of the Communist Party Propaganda Department’s
State Planning Office and at the same time it is also an Inner
Mongolian Autonomous Region major cultural development project.
[66] The essence of this project and its conclusion was to claim
that ‘steppe culture’ was ‘an important part of Chinese
culture’, and thus developing Hohhot as a city with a
distinctive Mongol and steppe culture was still framed within
the context of the broader ‘Chinese civilization’.
Interestingly, one of the nuances of the argument is its
international element, namely that steppe culture is a dynamic
culture which spans the globe.
Conclusion: Dressing up
The city of Hohhot has
been changing at breakneck speed in recent years, and especially
since 2005, in preparation for the 60th anniversary
of the Autonomous government. Most of the streets have been torn
up, ready for re-paving or broadening, parks have been
constructed, new buildings have been built and old ones
renovated in the old ‘cultural’ style. The pace of change in
Hohhot has been so rapid and extreme that a newspaper reported
that ‘those who return home from outside will not recognize
Hohhot’. [67]
Road construction and
the building of newer and more spectacular buildings, were aimed
at promoting Hohhot’s image, its economic development and its
place as a regional and global city. The emerging cityscape
brings major positive changes including an impressive new
‘ethnic style’ along its new avenues. The physical changes,
however, also have their downside. Most major roads in Hohhot
have been rebuilt three to five times over the last 15 years.
Local people are fed up with this constant construction and call
the roads of Hohhot ‘zip roads’ (lasuolu), meaning that
they are as easily opened and closed as a jacket zipper. The
hasty construction and reconstruction of the local cultural
heritage has also given rise to popular critiques centred on the
fact that the renovations have mainly been made to improve the
facade but have done little for the interior facilities. The
urgency to create a ‘beautiful’ and ‘clean’ city to
commercialize and commemorate the 60th anniversary of
the Autonomous government in 2007 left little time to improve
anything from the inside out. Local critics say that the changes
are nothing more than ‘putting clothes and hats’ (chuanyi
daimao) on the old concrete buildings.
The discourse of
preserving or inventing ethnic cultural heritage and
characteristics in an urban landscape has never been so vigorous
in modern China in general, and in Inner Mongolia in particular.
Urban development in China is shaped by an economic discourse
which is tied to cultural values and changing socialist
ideologies. In ethnically distinctive areas such as Inner
Mongolia, Tibet and Xinjiang, however, urban development has
hardly been straightforward. Urban development, along with
tourism planning, involves the interplay of nationalism and
modernisation. Ethnic culture and heritage was long considered
backward, primitive and antithetical both to China’s socialist
civilization project and subsequently to the modern, progressive
urban culture that sought to replace it. Emphasizing distinctive
Mongol and other ethnic cultures initially seemed politically
dangerous, even associated with separatism. Only in recent
years, under market pressures, however, has ethnic culture come
to be both politically valued and economically prized. [68] For
the first time, globally significant local characteristics have
been emphasized and ethnic cultural heritage has been seen as an
inseparable part of creating a unique urban landscape. Hohhot is
a prime example of this trend.
At the same time, the
commercialization of Mongol culture constitutes an annexation
and subordination of Mongol identity to Chinese identity. For
centuries, Mongol identity was regarded as a polar opposite of
Chinese culture, an archetypal barbarian culture that should be
resisted and/or transformed. As the political threat of Mongol
separatism recedes, the opportunity has arisen to appropriate
Mongol material culture as a romantic, perhaps primitive version
of Chinese culture. Moreover, points of similarity between
Mongol and modern Western culture, and the grassland culture
have become symbols of cosmopolitanism in Inner Mongolia. Ethnic
cultural heritage has been reconstructed as quickly as it was
destroyed during the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s. But what
is the meaning of the new culture for a people cut off from
essential elements of its historic heritage? The uniqueness of
urban Hohhot and the region of Inner Mongolia as a whole, under
present political circumstances, can only be viewed as unique
within the new framework of steppe culture presented as one of
the three originating themes of Chinese civilization and not
something distinctively Mongol. In the current discourses of
economy and the cultural industry, profit and cultural unity now
underpin political unity.
Promoting ethnic culture
and heritage in the cityscape is a means of making the city more
attractive to domestic and international audiences because they
can offer values which distinguish one place from another. In
other words, ethnic culture and cultural heritage gives Hohhot a
distinctive brand in the global market and these elements
constitute economic capital for the region. Promoting ethnic
culture and heritage in an urban culture, however, does not
necessarily mean respecting the intrinsic value of the cultural
heritage, but rather adapting or moulding that culture and
heritage for commercial and/or nationalistic purposes. In the
case of Hohhot the question remains whether that culture
expresses Mongol interests or interests of the Chinese state and
Chinese entrepreneurs who hold dominant positions in the
autonomous region. It seems clear that promotion of ethnic
culture and cultural heritage will last only as long as leaders
believe in its commercial value and see that value compatible
with political and market goals.
Li Narangoa is Reader in
Asian Studies in the College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian
National University. She is coeditor with Ole Bruun of
Mongols from Country to City:
Floating Boundaries, Pastoralism and City Life in Mongol Lands,
NIAS Press 2006.
She wrote this article for Japan
Focus. Posted on November 15, 2007.
All photos were taken by Li Narangoa and Li Chimge, unless
otherwise noted.
[1] I would like to thank Uradyn E. Bulag, Robert Cribb and Mark
Selden for their constructive and insightful comments on an
earlier version of this paper. An earlier version of this paper
was presented at the Symposium on Urban Development in Asia
which was held at the Osaka Metropolitan University in September
He constructed
the Dazhao Monastery here in 1579 and initiated a translation
program of Buddhist sutras.
Xilituzhao Monastery, just across the street from the Dazhao
Monatery, was built in the 1780s.
[3] Today, the Western Tumed banner is part of Hohhot and the
Eastern Tumed banner is part of Baotou.
The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was founded in 1947, well
before the founding of the PRC in 1949.
[5] The name Qingcheng, a literal translation of Köke Qota into
Chinese, is also used, but only in artistic or romantic
The Inner Mongolian Revolutionary Party, which actually existed
in the 1920s to 1940s became the main target of Red Guards.
Hohhot with a population of 821,000 in 1995 nearly doubled its
population to 1.5 million (including the farming population) by
Zhao Xiuxing et al., Huhehaote “cheng zhong cun” xianxiang paoxi
[Analysis of the “village in city” in Hohhot], Nei Menggu
Shifan Daxue xuebao, vol. 35, no. 2, March 2006: 106.
[8] The first Mongol-type building after the Cultural Revolution
was the Hohhot city office with a Mongol yurt-style roof. This
design was taken from the Chinggis Khan mausoleum in Ordos built
in 1956. Also, a mobile “story telling yurt” was put up in the
heart of the town (thanks to Uradyn E. Bulag for this
[9] For example, see George C S Lin, ‘China’s industrialization
with controlled urbanization: Anti-urbanism or urban-biased?’
Issues & Studies 34 (6), 1998: 98-116; L J C and G H Cui,
‘Economic transition at the local level: Diverse forms of town
development in China.’ Eurasian geography and economics,
43 (2), 2002: 79-103.
[10] For example, the number of big cities (population number
between 500,000 and one million) increased from 27 in 1978 to 78
in 2004, the number of middle-size cities with a population
between 200,000 and 500,000 increased from 59 in 1978 to 213 in
2004; the number of small cities with a population between
100,000 and 200,000 increased from 115 in 1978 to 320 in 2004 [ZH-Wikipedia,
accessed on 17 September 2007]; B Naughton, Growing out of
the Plan, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
[11] J Logan (ed.), The new Chinese city: globalization and
market reform, Oxford: Blackwell, 2002.
[12] George C. S. Lin, “The growth and structural change of
Chinese cities: a contextual and geographic analysis”, Cities,
vol. 19 (5), 2002: 229.
Available here, accessed on September 17, 2007.
[14] It was
a commercial and administrative town until the 1950s and later
developed a textile industry and steel plant.
Manzhouli and Erlian were to be developed international trade
gateways. “Neimenggu
zizhiqu renmin zhengfu guanyu yinfa jiakuai chengzhenhua fazhan
ruogange guiding de tongzhi” [Inner Mongolia Autonomous
Government’ Regulation Announcement on Promoting Urbanization],
Inner Mongolian Government Document, [2006] no. 3,
January 11, 2006, accessed on July 11, 2007.
[16] Dianne Dredge “Development, Economy and Culture: Cultural
Heritage Tourism Planning, Liangzhu, China”, Asia Pacific
Journal of Tourism Research, vol. 9, no. 4, December 2004:
[17] Especially in preparation for the 50th
anniversary of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Government in 1997
(Zhang Yanjie, “Gouzhu xiandaihua shoufu de zuyin” [Constructing
the Modern Capital’s Footprints], Neimenggu Xuenquan
[Inner Mongol Propaganda], no. 3 1999). The first Gallop Bridge
for cars was built for this occasion. The bridge was not only to
help regulate inner city traffic, but was also supposed to
symbolize the advance of Hohhot. The construction was a failure
in terms of design and aesthetics, too steep to be used for busy
vehicular traffic and too ugly to serve as a symbol for the
[18] “2005
Di er jie Zhongguo xibu (Neimenggu) chengshi jianshe zhanlanhui”
[The second exhibition of city development in Chinese Northwest
(Inner Mongolia) in 2002, accessed on July 11, 2007. The Hohhot
leadership was obsessed with road construction: The city’s roads
have been broadened, paved and repaved. Roads were built
hastily, and with each new leader, the “old ones” were ripped up
and reconstructed. This is partly due to failure to consider
water and sewerage plans, so that each time water or sewerage
pipes required repair or augmentation, roads were torn up again.
Corruption was also partly to blame. Constructing or
reconstructing roads offers lucrative opportunities for all
levels of management and leadership. With the frenetic
rebuilding of the roads, the city looks like a constant
construction site. In this respect, contemporary China has some
resemblance to the “Construction State” identified by Gavan
McCormack, The Emptiness of Japanese Affluence, Armonk,
N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1996.
[19] “Fazhan
zhong de Huhehaote yuanying nin” [A Developing Hohhot
Welcomes you], Neimenggu Xinwenwang, November 17, 2006,
accessed on July 12, 2007.
[20] The Inner Mongolian Autonomous Government was located first
in Ulanhot in the eastern part of Inner Mongolia between 1947
and 1949 and then in Kalgan (Zhangjiakou) between 1949 and 1952.
In 1952, it moved to Guisui and thus Hohhot became the joint
capital of Suiyuan province and the Inner Mongolian Autonomous
Region. In 1954, Suiyuan province was incorporated to Inner
Mongolia Autonomous Region and Hohhot remained capital of the
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
[21] Wang Junmin, “Mengguzu renkou de chengshihua jincheng” [The
Urbanization of the Mongol Population], Zhongyang Minzu Daxue
Xuebao [Journal of the Central University for
Nationalities], vol. 29, no. 144, May 2002: 29-32.
[22] “Fazhan
zhong de Huhehaote yuanying nin” [A Developing Hohhot
Welcomes you],
Neimenggu Xinwenwang, November 17, 2006, accessed on July 12, 2007.
[23] A
Mongol administrative unit, similar to a county.
[24]Beifang Xinbao, May 4, 2006: 6.
[25] ‘Showfu “44331” gongcheng jinzhan shunli’ [The capital’s
‘44331’ projects have been progressing well], Huhehaote Ribao,
July 5, 2006.
[26] 19,900 of the district’s 300,000 inhabitants are Muslims.
Available here, accessed on July 13, 2007.
[27] Since 2005, about 5.8 million Yuan has been invested to
develop this district as a town without night and with water -
totally modern situated in a green environment. To create a
beautiful natural environment, about 30,000 wine grapes and
3,000 other fruit trees and flowers have been planted (‘Changyou
“changle buyecheng” manbu “huapen yitiaojie”’ [Comfortably
walking through the ‘long enjoyable white-night town’ and
watching the ‘street of flowers’, Huhehaote Ribao, June
2, 2006].
[28] Wang Junmin, “Mengguzu renkou de chengshihua jincheng” [The
Urbanization of the Mongol Population], Zhongyang Minzu Daxue
Xuebao [Journal of the Central University for
Nationalities], vol. 29, no. 144, May 2002: 29-32.
[29] Huhehaote Ribao, May 20, 2006.
[30] Ibid.
[31] “Neimenggu sida biaozhixing jianzhu gongcheng jinru
quanmian shigong jieduan” [Inner Mongolia’s four representative
construction projects all in progress], Beifang Xinbao,
19 July 2005; “Hushi jiadi yong xiandai jianzhu jiajie Meng-Yuan
wenhua” [Hohhot is the best place for marrying modern
architecture with Mongol-Yuan culture], Beifang Xinbao,
September 21, 2006.
[32] “Huhehaote: gaobinwei jianshe caoyuan dushi” [Hohhot: High
quality development of a steppe city], Huhehaote Ribao,
July 5, 2006.
By 2006 there were all together 99 such cities, Hohhot being the
only one in Inner Mongolia. Wang Juan, “Lishi wenhua mingcheng Huhehaote de fazhan baohu” [The
Development and Maintenance of the Historical and Cultural City
of Hohhot], Neimenggu dianda xuekan [Journal of Inner
Mongolia Radio & TV University], vol. 73, no. 9, 2005: 17-22.
[34] Hu Angang, “Jiakuai xibu kaifa de xinsilu” [New Ways of
Fostering Westward Development], Zhongguo guoqing fenxi
yanjiu baogoa [Research Report on China’s Current Affairs],
no. 8, 2000.
[35] Uradyn E. Bulag, “Municipalization and Ethnopolitics in
Inner Mongolia”, in Ole Bruun and Li Narangoa (eds), Mongols
from Country to City: Floating Boundaries, Pastoralism and City
Life in the Mongol Lands, Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2006, p.
“Ba Huhehaote jiancheng guojia huanbao mofan chengshi” [Making
Hohhot into an Environmentally Sustainable Model City of China],
Huhehaote Ribao, June 5, 2006
[37] “Shoufu chengjian yao yiren weiben tuchu tese tigao pinwei”
[In building a provincial capital we must make people the focus,
highlight the distinctiveness and elevate the quality],
Huhehaote Ribao, June 9, 2006.
[38] The eight cultural attractions under construction include
the Inner Mongolian Exhibition Center, Inner Mongolian Theater,
Inner Mongolian Sports Centre, Inner Mongolian Museum, Inner
Mongolian Youth Center, Zhaojun Museum, Museum of Chinese
products, and the Chinese Equine Museum (“Huhehaote: gaobinwei
jianshe caoyuan dushi” [Hohhot: High quality development of a
steppe city], Huhehaote Ribao, July 5, 2006).
[39] “Qingcheng
‘86310’ yuanlin huhua gongcheng jinzhan sunli” [Qingcheng’s “86310”
green project has been progressing well], Huhehaote Ribao,
June 23, 2006.
[40] Huhehaoteshi renmin zhengfu wenjian, no 26, 2006 (March
29, 2006), p.28.
“Ba Houhehoute jiancheng guojia huanbao mofan chengshi” [Making
Hohhot into an Environmentally Sustainable Model City of China],
Huhehaote Ribao, June 5, 2006
[42] “Shiqu zhoubian caoyuan quanjiechu” [Connecting with the
steppes surrounding the city], Huhehaote Ribao, July 13,
[43] The biggest iron and steel industrial center in China is
Baotou, which is also the biggest city in Inner Mongolia. It
lies barely 150 km from Hohhot. The heavy industrial smoke from
Baotou pollutes the air not only of that city but also of Hohhot.
Moreover, until very recently, most of the heating and cooking
systems in the region used coal fuel which produced a lot of
smoke, and because of the Dalanhar (Daqingshan) mountain chain
which half surrounds Hohhot, the smoke is not easily dispersed
in winter. Hohhot and Baotou had the image of being two of the
most polluted cities in China and the constant reconstruction of
roads and buildings made the city appear even dustier than ever.
[44] World Tourism Organization, 1997, in Dianne Dredge
“Development, Economy and Culture: Cultural Heritage Tourism
Planning, Liangzhu, China”, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism
Research, vol. 9, no. 4, December 2004: 405-23.
There have been many organized tours in recent years: arriving
in big coaches, following tour guides with red flags,
photographing hastily and scurrying into shops to buy souvenirs.
[46] Tang Gongshao Su Shaoqiu, Xibu da kaifa: Zhanlue zhi’nan
[Strategic guide to the Westward Great Opening-up], Chengdu:
Xi’nana Caizheng Daxue Chubanshe, 2000, pp. 292-93.
[47] “Zongxiang zhuzhu nide zhangfang” [Always wanted to follow
your lead], Beifang Ribao, August 18, 2006.
[48] “Zhaojun wenhuajie zhuli shoufu fazhan duoying” [The
Zhaojun festival promotes the capital’s development],
Huhehaote Ribao, August 10, 2006.
[49] “Eerduosi hunli: minzu wenhua chanye de ‘Qing qima’” [Ordos
Wedding: the rise of the ethnic cultural industry], Neimenggu
Ribao, August 17, 2006.
[50] “Menggu fengqingyuan zhengshi kaiyuan’, July 29, 2006.
[51] China’s tourism destinations are graded A, AA, AAA and AAAA
according to the quality of the sites, the services offered and
their economic potential. A and AA level tourist sites can be so
designated by local tourist bureaux and authorities. But to be
recognized as AAA or AAAA level sites, the sites have to be
evaluated by provincial and central state authorities. (Jing Li,
“Tourism Enterprises, the State, and the Construction of
Multiple Dai Cultures in Contemporary Xishuang Banna, China”,
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, vol. 9, no. 4,
December 2004:320-21.
[52] “Suzao caoyuan lishi mingcheng, zhanshi shoufu wenhua
fengcai” [Mould steppe historical town, display capital’s
cultural style], Huhehaote Ribao, July 24, 2006. For more
on Zhaojun and her changing role in history, see Uradyn E. Bulag,
The Mongols at China’s Edge: History and the Politics of
National Unity, Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford: Rowman &
Littlefield, 2002.
In 2004, the Zhaojun festival was combined with the first
International Steppe Culture Festival (shijie caoyuan
wenhuajie). The main theme of the festival that year was
thus steppe culture and the steppe was claimed to be the “first
trademark and the greatest invisible resource of Inner
“Liujie Zhaojun wenhuajie jianjie” [Brief summary of six Zhaojun
festivals], Huhehaote Ribao, July 24, 2006.
[54] “Shoujie niunaijie shengda kaimu” [The grand opening of the
first Milk Festival], Huhehaote Ribao, September 18,
[55] Xi Shui, Shanghai jiyou [Shanghai Philately], no. 6,
2006: 11.
[56] “Chengshi wenhua jianshe de hexin lilun: wenmai chuancheng
xingxiang sheji” [The core of city culture development:
transmitting the cultural pulse and designing imaginatively],
Huhehaote Ribao, August 19, 2006.
[57] “Huhehaote: gaobinwei jianshe caoyuan dushi” [Hohhot: High
quality development of a steppe city], Huhehaote Ribao,
July 5, 2006.
[58] Huhehaote Ribao, August 14, 2006.
This stone horse once ran northwards. During the Cultural
Revolution that orientation, like so much else, came under
attack: the north was the direction of Ulaanbaatar, rather than
Beijing. It was thus reversed and now faces south, towards
[60] Beifang Xinbao, September 6, 2006:6.
[61] “Woqu caoyuan wenhua yanjiu lilun tixi chubu xingcheng”
[The tentative formation of an academic theory on steppe
culture], Neimenggu Ribao, August 18, 2006.
[62] “100 duowei zhuanjia xuezhe gei caoyuan wenhua xia dingyi”
[Over 100 experts offer a definition of steppe culture],
Beifang Xinbao, August 21, 2006.
[63] Ibid.
[64] Beifang Xinbao, August 29, 2006:1.
[65] Ibid.
[66] Ibid.
[67] Befang Xinbao, August 3, 2006.
[68] Where ethnic cultural promotion transcends the official
economic frame, it can pose sensitive political issues.
The recent closure of a Mongol internet chat room that aimed to
attract funds from Mongols to help poor Mongol students continue
their study, and the jail sentence of a Mongol intellectual,
Hada, illustrate contradictory elements in ethnic policy. |