AI Index: ASA 17/004/2005 28 January 2005
UA 24/05 Fear of torture/medical
concern/prisoner of conscience
Recent photo of Hada in Inner Mongolia No.4
Prison at Chifeng City, obtained and posted by SMHRIC
REPUBLIC OF CHINA Hada (m), aged 49, political activist
Political activist Hada has been routinely tortured at the
prison in northern China where he is serving a 15-year sentence
for "separatism" and "espionage". Amnesty International
considers him a prisoner of conscience, imprisoned solely for
the exercise of his right to freedom of _expression and
association, and fears he is at risk of further torture. His
health is reportedly failing and he is suffering from
psychological problems as a result of the torture.
Hada was detained in 1995, reportedly because of his involvement
in an organization called the Southern Mongolian Democratic
Alliance, which aimed to promote human rights, Mongolian culture
and greater autonomy for China's minority nationalities. He is
held in Chifeng prison, in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
His trial in November 1996 was held behind closed doors, and his
appeal was later rejected.
inmate recently released from the prison told the NGO Human
Rights in China that Hada has been subjected to disciplinary
punishments that range from being held in solitary confinement
to being chained overnight to a metal board with handcuffs at
each end because he is regarded as "resisting reform". Hada is
also reportedly prohibited from talking to other inmates,
allowed only limited contact with his family and denied proper
medical care.
International receives numerous reports of torture and
ill-treatment taking place in a wide variety of state
institutions across China, including police stations, prisons
and "re-education through labour" camps. Conditions at Chifeng
prison are reportedly extremely poor, and torture and
ill-treatment are commonplace. Use of electric batons, shackling
in painful positions for up to 12 days at a time, isolation and
solitary confinement, and the use of "cell bosses" to discipline
other inmates have all been reported. All inmates at Chifeng
prison work up to 16 hours a day, seven days a week, and the
food and medical care provided are reportedly inadequate. Ethnic
Mongolians held in Chifeng are also reportedly prohibited from
talking in their native language and must only use Mandarin
China ratified the UN Convention against Torture and Other
Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) in
1988, which expressly prohibits torture or ill-treatment at the
hands, instigation or acquiescence of public officials.
Before his detention Hada, an ethnic Mongol, was the general
manager of the Mongolian Academic Bookshop which he opened
together with his wife Xinna after completing his postgraduate
studies in politics. Several other political activists were
arrested following Hada's detention. Xinna was also detained
after she posted a note on the door of their bookstore,
informing people of Hada's detention and the crackdown on other
activists. She was later released on bail, and has never been
formally charged.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as
possible, in Chinese, English or your own language:
expressing concern that Hada has been detained solely for the
peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of _expression and
association and calling for him to be released immediately and
expressing concern at reports that Hada is being subjected to
torture, in violation of China's obligations under the CAT;
urging the authorities to provide immediate guarantees for his
safety and to conduct a full and independent investigation into
allegations that he has been tortured, and to bring the
perpetrators to justice;
urging the authorities to ensure that he is given regular access
to his family and any medical treatment he may require.
Minister of the People's Republic of China
Jiabao Guojia Zongli
State Council
Xihuangcheng Genbeijie
Beijingshi 100032
People's Republic of China
Fax: +86 10 6596 3374
(c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Salutation: Your Excellency
Acting Chairman of the Nei Menggu Autonomous Regional People's
YANG Jing Daili Zhuxi
Menggu Zizhiqu Renmin Zhengfu
Huhehaoteshi 010055
Menggu Zizhiqu
People's Republic of China
Fax: +86 471 696 1406 (c/o Law Department of the Nei
Menggu Autonomous Regional People's Government)
Salutation: Dear Chairman
Director of the Nei Menggu Autonomous Regional Department of
LIU Shouhe
Menggu Zizhiqu Sifating
Huhehaoteshi 010055
Menggu Zizhiqu
People's Republic of China
Fax: +86 471 694 4203
Salutation: Dear Director
Prison Governor
Chifeng Prison
Chifeng Jianyu
Qiaoxi Dajie
Chifengshi 024000
Menggu Zizhiqu
People's Republic of China
Salutation: Dear Sir
to diplomatic representatives of the People's Republic of China
accredited to your country.
Check with the International Secretariat, or your section
office, if sending appeals after 11 March 2005.
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